
I am a professional forex trader from 2012 and I mainly trade based on pure price action.

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Sunday, 21 September 2014

The Market Will Be There Tomorrow

The Market Will Be There Tomorrow Posted on September 9th, 2014 by Nial Fuller in Forex Trading Articles One of the keys to successful trading is eliminating any feeling of ‘needing’ to be in a trade. Traders often become fixated on believing if they miss ‘this trade’ there won’t be another one like it for a long time, their lack of experience and time in the market is the main culprit...

How To Catch Big Moves In The Forex Market

How To Catch Big Moves In The Forex Market How often do you see big moves in the market like we have seen recently, but you never find yourself profiting much from them? How often do you close a trade out prematurely just because it’s gone against you a bit and you ‘freaked out’ because you thought it would result in a bigger loss? Making ‘fast money’ and building a small account into a large one, aren’t things that just ‘happen’ to successful...